Wednesday, May 11, 2005

At Last, My Introduction

Hullo Dears,
I am finally getting around to introducing myself!!! I know, I am a slowpoke, as well as a lousy journal writer. Despite being in the E.R. for my hand again and being in La-la Land from prescriptions added that night, here we go...

I'm Gwen M. Myers, and obviously a Professional Crazy Lady. Anywhoo, I'm supposed to tell a tale of how I came to the visual arts. There is not much to tell. Other than two unforgettable art instructors through middle and high school I am mostly self-taught. I developed my own standard according to what I liked. I was stunned by Salvador Dali's pencil of The Crucifixion, so that became the standard for my pencil work.

Unfortunately, despite wanting to paint badly, I cannot. Fortunately for my sanity I bought myself a digital camera about 6 months ago. I have been taking a lot of pictures, almost 1900. So... in lieu of 'new' artwork I shall submit some photos that are "Accidental Art"

17:Pye and Skye looking at the Wide, Wild World.
9: The hellcat in a pensive moment.
10:How the floor must see Pye's feet...
11:A good portrait of Pyewackitt P'Wacko Sneaky-Pants (aka Pye).
13: An almost perfect portrait of Sweet Lady Snowspryte Skye (aka Skye)


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Looking forward to the Accidental Art! I am very enamored of the name "Sneaky-pants" - though with an original name like Pyewackitt P'Wacko it is difficult to decide which name is truly more inspired.

Gwen - have you HAD the surgery on your hand? If so, that was sneaky! (like your cats pants. Note: did you name your cats pajamas?) I hope everything is going well with the hand. As I have said, after the numb fingers I ended up with after my surgery I find that even the idea of having my hand injured makes me frantic. I totally understand having to do something to save your sanity. What is the prognosis? I send prayers for a good prognosis.

Now WHERE are those pictures of S. Pants and Sweet Lady Snowspryte Skye ?


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