Soul Food Cafe Art Room
The Soul Food Cafe Art Room is a vibrant studio where artists representing multi disciplines freely share their ideas.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Last Two Sketches
I am not sure if anyone else found the Amazon Queen's Alchemy table at the Sunday Market. I was sitting opposite, watching her, captivated as people came and went with her spells and potions. I had heard she was here but this is the first time that we managed to catch up with one another. We have been friends for a very long time but she can be elusive and is much quieter and shyer than most people expect.
You all know Sibyl! She is never one to be coy and shy and loves to make a grand entrance at a party. Personally I think she is wild as tonight. Not sure what she has been sipping in the tea rooms but I most certainly want some of what she is having.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
morning warmups
It was one of those beautiful mornings. In order to warm my hands and gently set about moving I reached for my sketchbook and pencils set by the bed. Often sketching is the last thing I do at night and the first thing I do in the morning. I was having a bit of a problem coming up with ideas for "what to draw". Staring out the window, the pencil did it's work for me. I stopped thinking and ran with what the pencil wanted and the next and the next. Soon enough the drawing was complete and I found myself working on another.
I was transported to a moment many years ago, walking with my little daughter, about the same age as my grand daughter is now. Private moments on a moist Toronto autumn day so long ago. My hands kept changing pencils and hungrily moved on to another drawing .
The three trees I passed as a child on Sunday walks with my parents. The trees were set exactly at the edge of the dijke.
Old trees, most probably they had been there when Rembrandt walked that stretch in his lifetime. That thought was too daunting, still, as long as I don't compare, leaving Rembrandt out of it.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Back to productivity
My former psychiatrist (former by death) always opened a session with one question "have you been productive". He knew well that it was the cornestone of my well-being. If I cannot be productive happiness is simply out of the question. Unfortunately when bedridden because illness overwhelms even my desire to be upright the lack of productivity just compounds stress. I was finally, after a couple of weeks able to be a bit productive. I could scan in some of the illustration sketches for the kiddie books that are far behind in the schedule I had set for myself, and some other little drawings I was playing around with while propped up in bed.
Now the illustrations are in the computer I will have to find it in me to get back to the business of writing little stories to go with them. The one tentatively title "Dutch House Rules" is almost half done. I had planned to have the Flash version functional by now and posted on my website.
It feels wonderful to look at my day and be able to state firmly that, yes, I have been productive.